TMJ Treatment in Edmonton

Are you seeking relief for your headaches and/or facial pain? Your, "incurable" headache pain could be generated by an incorrect bite, jaw joints and/or spasms from the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) muscles surrounding your head and neck.

Instead of just providing temporary relief through muscle-relaxing drugs and pain medications, we treat patients by addressing the causes of temporomandibular disorders at the source. That's why, at Oliver Park Dental, the focus of any TMJ treatment is always on identifying the jaw joint factors related to the pain then restoring proper function and improving overall health.

Why choose dentistry to treat temporomandibular joint dysfunction?

As dentists, we understand not just teeth, but the complete interconnected mechanics of your face, jaws, and bite.

An imperfect bite can, over time, result in tension in the muscles in those areas, leading to teeth grinding and other temporomandibular disorder symptoms (also referred to as TMD symptoms). Accidental jaw injury or trauma can also result in increased tension in the face and jaw muscles - the delayed onset of muscle spasms following whiplash injury is a prime example.

By evaluating your mouth as a complete system, we can take steps to prevent teeth grinding, sore jaw muscles, neck aches, severe pain, spasms, and other chronic symptoms that are produced by temporomandibular joint disorder.

TMJ and Headaches

TMJ stands for the temporomandibular joint. It is commonly known as the jaw joint. It’s the most complex joint in the human body. If it isn’t functioning properly, it can cause significant pain and discomfort - in some cases so much so that a person feels limited to eating soft food. This is due to its proximity to a number of large facial nerves.


Should I Visit My Edmonton Dentist for Migraines?

There's no doubt it's an option worth exploring, although not many people know it. It's a treatment Edmonton locals have told us they've seen on dental websites without realizing how it can help with migraines ("ohhh, so that's what TMJ is for!").

TMJ pain can manifest as severe headaches, which gets misdiagnosed as migraines. TMJ jaw pain is especially common, but it can also cause facial, neck and shoulder pain, and sometimes even affect the ears.

If you're suffering any of these additional pains, or are not responding to other migraine treatments, a dentist can offer alternatives like oral appliances or splint therapy which may be more effective for your health needs.

What Causes TMJ & Headaches?

TMJ dysfunction can happen for many reasons. Some people experience jaw damage in an accident. Others suffer from bruxism. A condition that causes them to grind their teeth and place stress on their jaw. Jaw damage can also occur due to misaligned teeth or a misaligned bite due to old dental work. Many people experience pain because of a combination of factors. For example, a poor bite can cause unconscious tooth grinding, which leads to TMJ pain.

At Oliver Park Dental, our dentists trained in neuromuscular dentistry and can help create a personalized treatment plan that brings you long-term relief. They understand the relationship between the joint, muscles, and teeth, which allows them to diagnose and solve TMJ pain.

You can free yourself from headaches and/or jaw pain - contact us at Oliver Park Dental to find out how.

Symptoms of TMJ-D

Signs and symptoms of TMJ disorders may include:

  • Pain or tenderness of your jaw and the surrounding muscles
  • Pain in one or both of the temporomandibular joints
  • Facial pain (e.g. aching or sore facial muscles)
  • Aching pain in and around your ear
  • Difficulty chewing or pain while chewing
  • Locking of the joint, making it difficult to open or close your mouth
  • Premature wear and tear on the upper and lower teeth from teeth grinding

TMJ-related jaw disorders can also cause a clicking sound or grating sensation when you open your mouth or chew. But if there's no pain or limitation of movement associated with your jaw clicking, you probably don't need treatment for a TMJ disorder.