9 Reasons You Have a Toothache

Having a toothache is no fun at all, and it will make anyone feel miserable. A toothache is described as any pain, soreness or ache that is caused on or around the teeth. The pain may be dull or sharp and can bother you while chewing or biting some foods. In case you suffer from a toothache, you must be curious to know the reason(s). Below is the list of top common reasons for toothaches so that you can identify them and select the best course of action accordingly.

Tooth Decay

Tooth decay is the result of erosion and cavity formation in the outer surface (enamel) of the tooth. When plaque sticks to the enamel, it feeds on starches and food particles in the mouth. Acid is produced, which damages the enamel resulting in holes and weak teeth. Tooth decay is one of the most common reasons for a painful toothache. This reason might not be new, but the impact of tooth decay can affect any of us. The pain arises when the decay is significant enough to reach the inner layer of the tooth (dentin). Once the dentin is damaged, the tooth becomes extremely sensitive and develops a cavity. If the pain is sharp, discuss the issue with the dentist to prevent further significant dental problems.

Tooth Abscess

A tooth abscess is caused by the buildup of bacteria inside the pulp chamber. When tooth decay advances to a point affecting the root beneath the visible tooth, there is a higher chance of the surrounding tissue of the tooth to be infected. The infected area in the mouth results in a widespread pulsating pain which makes it difficult to find the affected tooth. A tooth abscess is a severe issue and needs to be taken care of by dental with professionals. Delaying the treatment can result in bone and tissue loss.

Gum Disease

Gum disease, also known as periodontitis, is characterized by a dull pain in the mouth from an infection of gums that surround the teeth. Red and bleeding gums cause tooth pain. This infection causes deterioration of gums and bone loss. The tissue in the center of the tooth can become inflamed and irritated. This condition is called pulpitis. The inflammation causes pressure on the surrounding tissue. Inflamed tooth pulp can be mild to extreme, depending on its severity. The dentist may consider a surgery in severe cases to get rid of the mouth infection.

Tooth Fractures

Teeth can get cracked or chipped in multiple ways. You can get teeth fractures through a fall, while playing any sport, and during a forceful bite on a hard or sticky substance. If you experience pain in a fractured tooth that means the fracture has made its way to the nerve endings of the tooth resulting in excruciating pain. Often the pain does not instantly happen as soon as the tooth is fractured. With time as the tooth damage worsens, you may experience increasing pain. You must visit a dentist to address any dental fractures or teeth chippings immediately.

Teeth Grinding

Teeth grinding (bruxism) involves clenching the jaw and grinding of the top and bottom teeth back and forth. Teeth grinding can one of the common reasons for pain in teeth, jaw, and neck. People generally grind their teeth while sleeping or during stressful situations. Excessive teeth grinding can result in sore jaw bones and joints, chipped and cracked teeth, and headaches. You may opt for a mouthguard to relieve stress on your jaws and teeth while sleeping.

Damaged Fillings or Dental Sealants

Dental fillings that cover deep pits or fractures in teeth protect vulnerable parts of the tooth. When these protectants are damaged, sensitive parts of the teeth are exposed to bacteria. Damaged fillings or sealants would result in dull ache or piercing sensation. Book an emergency appointment with your dentist to have it fixed before your tooth suffers further damage or decay.

Improper Brushing or Flossing

People often don’t pay attention to the pressure applied while brushing or flossing and end up pressing much harder. Too much pressure can result in irritated, inflamed and bleeding gums. Constant use of extreme pressure can cause the gum to recede and make the teeth unstable. Following a proper brushing and flossing technique will prevent unnecessary problems. Consult your dentist about the techniques in concern with the type of toothbrush to be used.

Misaligned or Impacted Wisdom Teeth

Malocclusion (misalignment) of the teeth leads to serious oral health complications. Misaligned teeth can press against others and push them out of line. This result in pains, aches, and discomfort. Impacted wisdom teeth that had failed to break through the gum line can be painful as they suppurate below the gum line. These issues need to be brought to the attention of your dentist. The pressure created by the impacted teeth cause jaw soreness and pain. The proposed treatment for misaligned teeth and impacted wisdom teeth will be braces and surgery respectively.

Sensitive Tooth

If you experience sharp pain after drinking or eating something that is cold or hot for a long time, then you are experiencing tooth sensitivity. It is an indication of worn tooth enamel, and your tooth’s dentin is exposed. Due to the uncovering of dentin, the nerves of the tooth are affected. To protect these nerves from extreme temperatures, it is recommended that you use a sensitive toothpaste specially made for sensitive teeth. For recommendations and further treatment options, consult your dentist.

One can prevent the majority of dental problems by simply maintaining proper oral hygiene. A simple examination by the dentist can determine the problems. Delaying your dental issue can let a simple problem grow into a larger one. If you are experiencing any of the symptoms mentioned above and you live in Edmonton, visit a dental clinic in Edmonton.